
The egg as a work of art – tips on how to customize your Easter eggs

At Easter, it is an old custom to color the eggs colorfully. Along with other sweets, they end up in the Easter nest and can also be hidden in the apartment or in the garden. But the elk stroganoff easter eggs are not just uniformly colored, but often individually designed and decorated. What options are there to make your eggs a creative eye-catcher?

Why are Easter eggs individually colorful?

Dyeing the eggs has a long tradition and was already known in ancient cultures (for example, the Romans and Egyptians). The egg was already considered a fertility symbol at that time and even became a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus in Christianity. Since the newly hatched chick was compared to its resurrection.

Dyeing dates back to the Middle Ages when you were not allowed to eat eggs or meat during Lent. However, since the chickens continued to lay eggs daily, they had to be recycled somehow.

So they were cooked to preserve them and then dyed red to distinguish them from the fresh eggs. After Lent, these “holy” eggs were then consecrated and given away or eaten for breakfast themselves.

How can I customize my Easter eggs?

You can color or paint the Easter eggs colorfully and even glue them on. Here you have many different crafting possibilities and there are no limits to your creativity.

Of course, it is especially fun for the children. Make sure that they are allowed to make simple things with you so that it certainly works and they have a sense of achievement.


For painting eggs, you can use special egg colors, but also felt-tip pens and of course watercolors. Watercolors are easy and easy to use.

With felt-tip pens, the children can also attach small decorations or write messages on the eggs. For dyeing, there are not only simple colors, but even commercially available glitter colors for very special effects.

Painting is suitable for both blown and hard-boiled eggs. However, make sure that you only use harmless colors for the eggs that you want to eat later.


There are many more options for gluing eggs than for painting. Usually, however, both go hand in hand.

For example, you can dye the eggs brown and stick them with bunny ears and stub tails. And then record a face.

You can individually glue your Easter eggs with craft materials or only paint them.

The following things are suitable for gluing and decorating:


Colored ribbons and cords


Photos (printed photos in small format for a “personalized” egg)

Wrapping paper


Confetti snippets

Beads made of tissue paper

Textile ribbons or fabrics (example: jeans egg)

Newsprint / Newsprint

Conclusion: With creative ideas, you can create individual Easter eggs

Individually decorated eggs are particularly suitable as an eye-catcher for the local decoration, 

The Easter coffee table or as a small Easter present and souvenir.

Since you can create funny, imaginative, and noble designs with little effort, you have a lot of crafting opportunities. Especially those that are also suitable for crafting with children.

You are completely free in the design and elk stronganoff can use almost any material you have at home anyway. In this way, even cost-effective ideas can be implemented quickly, which can also be produced at the last minute.

Our tip: With the cheeky eggheads or rabbit heads from Heitmann, your Easter eggs will make everyone smile.

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