
5 Ways AI is Transforming Learning in Education

When you ask an educationist the biggest challenge that a student can face, the first thing that comes to mind is that students take learning as “something they have to do”.  Now let’s take a moment and think: how did we get here?  Why isn’t learning something a student “wants to do” or  “is happy to do”. The answer to this question is not simple. However, this article aims to comprehend the whys of learning. 

 Learning can be demanding for both an educationist and a student. When it comes to preparing learning content for the students, it takes a lot of time. Besides, tracking the progress and determining if the content is working for the students is another time-consuming task. Although these tasks require effort and are time-consuming as well, One must find something that can make learning more valuable.  To make learning less of a chore, it is important to bring innovative solutions to the education industry. Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping up the education industry and influencing the learning activities of students. In this article, experts of a assignment writing firm will briefly discuss five ways in which AI is transforming learning in education.

1.      Optimising Learning Opportunities

Students have different needs and attitudes. When a teacher makes a study plan, it is difficult to cover what individual needs are. Therefore, these study plans are rarely personalised. Artificial intelligence supports individualised learning. Students are able to access learning content in their own ways. Artificial intelligence enables students to have access to extensive online libraries. It allows the learners to simply pick and choose what’s best for them. It is a difficult task to Cater to the needs of every student at the same time. An artificial based system provides a better middle ground for more personalised learning opportunities. Students can attempt to learn a course outline in several ways. There is always so much content available for students to choose from to learn about a certain subject.

2.      Improving Learning Process

 If you look at traditional ways of learning in education, a teacher usually chooses a particular format. Artificial intelligence gives professionals an opportunity to mix and match different teaching formats. Sometimes, AI provides a blend of formal and informal learning. A good AI system recognises the complexity of learning and makes fine-tune changes to the format. Learning in education has never been this fun before. Students are able to learn through videos, images, and other fun content. With AI, the Learning process is shifting towards a new paradigm in education. 

3.      Offering 24/7 Support

 Learning in education based on the AI system provides a mix of online courses and instructor-led training. But there is always an open window when a student needs some support. Dealing with that in a traditional manner will require a teacher to stay available all the hours. Offering 24/7 support, an instructor needs an assistant to support the process. AI helps provide this assistance within an e-Learning course. This AI assistant has the ability to analyse messages, content, and speech. It will then answer the query just like a normal person. This system of learning in education is quite beneficial for instructors as well as students.

AI-based support is beneficial for maintaining objectivity. Chatbots do not show bias towards a particular student. It means that they offer a more objective way to evaluate performance. Besides, chatbots enable students with their systemised learning. As self-study has become a trend in the last few years, people take educational initiatives themselves. In this manner, chatbots help the learning process of students. The AI assistant is fully equipped to encourage students to perform better and give them valuable tips. Therefore, any assistant is as motivating as an instructor is. Besides, chatbots are omnipresent, with their availability in browsers, social media and mobile apps.

4.      Tracking Motivation In E-Learning

Motivation is an important aspect when it comes to learning in education. Teachers can quickly identify students’ motivation through their facial expression of body language in a physical classroom. But when learning online, detecting the engagement of students is as important. That is why online instructors need to detect the emotions of the students to assess their engagement. AI-system can help in this through computer vision and sensor data analysis. Sensor data analysis and computer vision rely on tracing activities in the learner’s environment. These techniques have the ability to capture traits by imagery, physiological and neurological sensors. The neurological and physiological sensor readings gauge attention and alertness. The sensor tracks various measures like blood pressure and heart rate. On the other hand, computer vision gauges attention based on eye movement gestures and postures. Computer vision technology works better as it is easy to use and quite similar to real life.

5.      Improving Learning Process For The Written Assignment

 Written assignments are integral to learning. However, in traditional learning in education, students need to memorise formats. In the times of e-learning, AI helps in improving the quality of papers. AI-based learning has transformed learning in education by reducing intelligent assistants. These intelligent assistants have the ability to develop ideas assess data. Intelligent assistants can even construct better phrases for written assignments. A number of software and webpage programs help students to improve their content. It includes articles, academic essays, and even blogs. Grammarly is one of the most popular AI-based editing tools. This tool enables students to create mistake-free content. Another tool is ProWritingAid which improves the writing style. It identifies repeated words and unnecessary adverbs to improve the writing style.  Many tools like these enable students to improve their content. These tools are even able to create phrases from scratch.

This article briefly discusses the ways in which artificial intelligence has transformed learning in education. The learning landscape has changed with the support of artificial intelligence. However, these tools are only to facilitate instructors and support students in the teaching and learning process simultaneously. It is now essential for instructors to learn these tools to reduce physical efforts.

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