
Bathing rules for the dog

Is there anything better than a cool refreshment on hot days? On warm summer days or during long walks in nature, rat terrier beagle mix there is nothing better for many dogs than a dip in the sea, in the lake or in a small stream. In small pools or on the dog beach, the four-legged friends can play to their heart’s content, bathe, swim and really burn off energy.

Dogs of different breeds become real water rats at the sight of the cool water and can hardly be stopped. While playing on and in the water, the lively four-legged friends prove their swimming skills and enjoy the refreshing cooling off with funny water toys. However, so that the bathing fun does not become a disaster, a few important basic rules should be observed.

In this post you will learn, among other things, how your four-legged friend can enjoy a cool refreshment in the water on particularly hot days without circulatory problems. In addition, we will give you important information about meals before swimming, a few tips on providing drinking water and we will tell you how to protect your fluffy friend from sunburn. Finally, we give you some recommendations on how you can always have particularly safe fun with your four-legged friend on and in the water.Bathing rules for the dog are followings. A refreshing swim in the summer heat, You don’t swim with a full stomach, Salt water is not a thirst quencher etc.

Bathing rules for the dog are following

A refreshing swim in the summer heat

If the dog is only panting in the summer and also the master and mistress the sweat is on the forehead, a cool bath is a pleasant refreshment. But whether it’s a bathing trip to the sea or the lake or a refreshing shower under the local water hose, a few important things should definitely be considered. Since the water in natural waters or fresh from the tap naturally has a significant temperature difference to the environment, especially on very hot days, a temperature shock can occur if immersed too quickly. Even if it is tempting, the dog should not plunge head over heels into the cool sea or the dog pool. So that the heart and circulation can get used to the cool temperature and there are no circulatory problems, the dog should initially go into the water only with his paws. When the body has become accustomed to cooling down, nothing stands in the way of bathing fun!

You don’t swim with a full stomach

What humans have been learning for the seahorse badge for ages also applies to dogs and has not changed to this day. Even if a delicious snack, a well-filled bowl and a pleasant bath afterwards sound tempting, dog and owner should always avoid bathing with a full stomach. The reasons for this are simple: on the one hand, the water pressure on the full stomach can cause unpleasant nausea. On the other hand, there is a risk of a stomach twist when romping and splashing with a full stomach. In addition, the body also needs a lot of energy to digest.

Avoid sunburn

While we humans usually apply sunscreen or sun oil, our four-legged friends are mercilessly exposed to the sun. Not only do they get just as warm as we do, but dogs can also get sunburned. Especially after bathing, when the coat is still wet, a lot of skin is exposed and is directly exposed to the sun’s rays. In order for the skin to remain healthy and the dog not get sunburned, a place in the shade should always be available. In addition, it is recommended, especially after bathing in salty sea water, to shower the dog after the trip. Otherwise, the salt from the water could attack the dog’s skin. With a mild dog shampoo and a dog towel to dry, the four-legged friends are quickly fresh again and the skin can recover.

Salt water is not a thirst quencher

When dogs are finally allowed into the water to cool off and burn off energy, the four-legged friends quickly become thirsty. Even if salt water is not toxic, it should be avoided to drink large amounts of it. If the dog absorbs too much salt water, there is a risk that the large amount of salt will deprive the dog of fluid. To avoid this, the dog should always have enough fresh drinking water available – before and after the refreshing bath. Travel bowls or water bottles are particularly practical for on the go and are perfect for excursions.

Keep your eyes peeled for bathing fun

Even if the dog is a good swimmer and already has routine due to the daily bathing trips – a dog should never be left out of sight when bathing and swimming. Whether experienced swimmer or bloody beginner swimmer, the owner should always keep an eye on the dog in order to be able to intervene in an emergency. Especially with prolonged bathing fun, it can happen that the dogs misjudge their strength or that the condition decreases. In addition, the four-legged friend can not recognize possible dangers in the water. Especially if the dog gets into a current or overestimates his powers while playing in the heat of battle, the owner must be able to help the dog at any time.

Tip: Before bathing, the collar should be removed, otherwise the dog could get stuck in it while paddling with his paw. A suitable dog life jacket can support the types of terrier dogs in swimming and usually also has a handle to help the dog out of the water.

Water rat or country egg – good advice

If you have followed all the advice so far, nothing stands in the way of a nice day at the sea or an adventurous bathing trip to the lake. However, as a dog owner you should definitely not forget one thing: Not every dog is a water rat and not every fur nose feels comfortable in the water. For some dogs, large bodies of water are even tremendous. If the dog avoids the cool refreshment, he should not be forced to bathe under any circumstances! Alternatively, dogs can also refresh themselves differently in summer, for example by cooling mats for lying down or by suitable cool snacks.

Apart from this if you are interested to know about find the right product in our dog then visit our Lifestyle category.

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